Welcome to the website of the
High Sheriff of Cumbria Christopher Holmes DL

I was appointed as King Charles III’s High Sheriff of Cumbria on Thursday 28th March 2024. The ceremony took place at the Fratry, Carlisle Cathedral where my Declaration was signed before a magistrate in the company of the Lord Lieutenant with His Honour Judge Barker presiding and the Mayor of Carlisle.
The role of High Sheriff is an ancient one but still very relevant today. I look forward to meeting and promoting many of the inspirational people and organisations who make Cumbria an exceptional place to live.
“Cumbria is a ceremonial county, geographically the third largest in the UK but the eighth smallest by population. It consists of two districts, Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness.
Cumbria is unique in many ways with the natural beauty of the fells and Lake District but not unique with the challenges that many families and organisations are facing at this time.
Part of my role as High Sheriff is to engage and support those in the community that make a positive contribution to our wonderful county and I am honoured to serve as High Sheriff of Cumbria 2023.”

Christmas Tree Festival
Saturday 30 November – Tuesday 31 December
The first ever Christmas Tree Festival features trees which will be decorated to individual themes by local charities, schools and community groups. An opportunity to visit Carlisle Cathedral and add your own Christmas message to the festival’s community tree.

Role of the High Sheriff

There is a High Sheriff in every county in England and Wales, and their history and tradition dates back before the Norman Conquest. The Office is the oldest Royal appointment. As the holder in Cumbria today of this entirely voluntary, non-political office, I hope to take an active part in supporting, encouraging and promoting the many voluntary organisations, to bring people together within the county and to support crime prevention, the Judiciary, the Police and other law-enforcement agencies, the emergency services and the other public and voluntary sector and community services that work towards making Cumbria a better place.
Latest News & Events

Find out more about some of the events from my year as well as the organisations, groups and individuals I have met that actively help Cumbria, its people and its communities to thrive.
To contact the High Sheriff or to invite him to an event
I hope you find the information in this website both interesting and informative. You may like to visit The High Sheriff Association to learn more about the Office of High Sheriff www.highsheriffs.com
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